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Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Villanueva testimonio de las bullas e instruccion, y real cedula expedida sobre la ereccion del obispado de Linares a favor de fray Antonio de Jesus... 11-16-1778
Villanueva Testimonio de la demanda y querella dada por parte del general Fernando de Villanueva tocante a desaparicion de documentos 10-21-1665
Villanueva Testimonio compiled by Escandon detailing population structure, herd counts of Spanish in San Fernando 1752-3. 01-11-1751
Villanueva superior govierno. Ano de 1783. Numero 36 testimonio de denuncia que se hace por el sugeto que dentro se expresa; 05-28-1776
Villanueva superior gobierno -- 1749 -- autos fechos a pedimento de el guardian y discretos de el apostolico collegio de propaganda 10-03-1749
Villanueva Series of petitions for military retirements due to battle injuries. 08-10-1814
Villanueva Series of letters written by Escandon repoting advances in the colonization of the seno Mexicano 01-08-1749
Villanueva Salcedo, Nemesio to Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Sending a copy of Felipe Luero's service record which had been found with other... 09-20-1805
Villanueva Request by gobernador elect Cruzate for three years of salary in advance. 08-28-1682
Villanueva Report analyzing Escandon's settlement proposal for the seno Mexicano 03-08-1746
Villanueva Relacion of the first expedition to the seno Mexicano by Jose de Escandon 10-26-1747
Villanueva quaderno de rayas de labradores de esta hacienda de San Francisco Xavier de la Baya 04-01-1803
Villanueva quaderno de rayas de labradores de esta hacienda de San Francisco Xavier de la Baya 04-01-1803
Villanueva Provincias Internas indice del tomo 219 12-31-1803
Villanueva por mi solo he dado y dare todas las providencias de mera substanciacion en un expediente, cuia final decision por aora hade ser sola la... 07-31-1779
Villanueva Pedro de Barrio Junco y Espriella (gobernador). Protocolo de instrumentos publicos para este presente ano de 1748 que pasan ante Pedro de... 01-17-1749
Villanueva Obispo de Barbastro Pedro de Padilla, a Fernando mas de la Escalera. Una carta y testimonio. 10-28-1713
Villanueva Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. Acknowledgement and approval of extraction of fray Andres Villanueva from province and... 11-01-1791
Villanueva muy senor mio: recivi la de usted de 31, de Mayo proximo pasado y con ella el testimonio de la real cedula expedida por su majestad. 06-02-1779
Villanueva Military lists and reviews for each company in Nueva Vizcaya, January, 1818. 01-00-1818
Villanueva Manuel Concha-Juaquin Amezquete. Prices and availability of provision. 02-15-1790
Villanueva magestad, su alcalde de el crimen en la real audiencia de esta Nueva Espana como Juez, comisionado para hacer la division y adjudicacion... 08-14-1779
Villanueva Letters from the new colony of Santander to virrey requesting information about what to do with the diezmos. 06-21-1775
Villanueva Letters from Garcia informing virrey about a fragata that arrived from Callao and possibility that insurgentes had intercepted the ship. 02-28-1820
Villanueva Letters from Escandon for virrey informing him about the advances in the pacification of seno Mexicano. 05-28-1749
Villanueva Letters by Escandon, Altamira, Miranda comment on Escandon's informe about Burgos and Environs, 1750. 06-13-1750
Villanueva Juan Manuel Estevan Rivera. Investigation of murders, robberies committed by Juan Manuel Estevan Rivera and his cronies. 00-00-1787
Villanueva Joseph de Terradas. Testimonial to fidelity of opata escort. 02-20-1722
Villanueva Josef Tapia. Report to governor listing men of squadron and the horses each has. 11-27-1808
Villanueva Jose Ramon Villanueva. Declarations and charges against Jose Ramon Villanueva for robbing 2,000 pesos from employee of tobacco monopoly. no... 11-07-1809
Villanueva Jose Ramon Villanueva. Declarations and charges against Jose Ramon Villanueva for robbing 2,000 pesos from employee of tobacco monopoly. no... 11-07-1809
Villanueva Instruccion que devera seguir Pedro vial, destinado a abrir comunicacion directa con nuestros establecimientos de los irinueces situados en... 05-21-1792
Villanueva Informe from fray Garcia for virrey concerning the details of the foundation of villages in Nuevo Santander by Escandon. 01-15-1766
Villanueva Imprisonment of Joseph Antonio Charles for desertion 05-19-1801
Villanueva Gobernador Pedro de Barrio Junco y Espriella, and others. Documents concerning need for presidios in Nuevo Leon. 01-00-1741
Villanueva Gaspar Rodero, S.J. carta y informe de las misiones Jesuitas en California. 01-21-1737
Villanueva Facundo Melgares. 04-02-1819
Villanueva Domingo de la Puente. Civil case- ownership of carras. General Juan Francisco del Carrion- lt. Alcalde mayor. 07-18-1665
Villanueva Documents relating to charges brought by Moreno y Castro against Pison y Gusman for blasphemies, drunkenness, debts and other bad conduct,... 00-00-1768
Villanueva Detailed cuentas of expenses from Namiquipa for supplies for pacified indians; supplies for Taraumares auxiliaries. 08-04-1791
Villanueva Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy during June 1788 with previous dated documents as reference. 06-01-1788
Villanueva Correspondence between Ugarte and viceroy in reference to government business of Provincias Internas 10-31-1788
Villanueva Correspondence between Loyola and viceroy regarding military issues in Provincias Internas de Poniente during August 1788. 08-06-1788
Villanueva Correspondence and diary re: Cordero's campaign against Indians. 08-29-1789
Villanueva Concerns the management of the segunda compania de Voluntarios de Cataluna. 02-26-1761
Villanueva Communications regarding status of royal treasuries. 07-07-1783
Villanueva Commentary on Escandon's report about the exploration of the seno Mexicano and his plan for its colonization. 10-28-1747
Villanueva Chacon, Fernando. A set of instructions on how the new governor should deal with the navajo. 03-27-1805
Villanueva carpeta septima desde 1779. Correspondencia con los misioneros 01-14-1778
Villanueva Beregana, Domingo de. Report on financial affairs of eleven missionaries in New Mexico for year 1790. 05-26-1792
