Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Dorronzoro Correspondence re: construction of canal, churches; pearl diving. 02-01-1776
Diaz Seri Indians settlement near the Pitic. 12-12-1771
Dorronzoro testimonio del cuaderno cuarto formado sobre el repartimiento de tierras a los Seris, y conclusion de la iglesia de los sibubapas. 11-28-1772
Delgadillo Copies of documents dealing with tax issues between Guadalaxara's real hacienda and province of Culiacan. 05-23-1779
Diaz Letters from Corbalan concerning petitions of tax exemption for the Indians. Letters from Barco concerning tax collection in Buliacan.... 06-27-1779
Delgadillo Copies of documents concerning taxation dispositions in Guadalaxara and Zacatecas. 06-22-1774
Diaz Documents concerning allotment of lands to the population and soldiers of Horcasitas. Others concerning Indians prisoners. 10-17-1764
Dolor Documents concerning allotment of lands to the population and soldiers of Horcasitas. Others concerning Indians prisoners. 10-17-1764
Diaz Autos formed against Basquez accused of theft of cattle from Sanchez. 07-24-1767
Dolores Letters from Escandon to the virrey informing him of the campaign against the Indians of the nation Sibuy. Others from Boix requesting... 10-20-1764
Dias Maldonado Index of legajos on pacification and settlement of Nuevo Santander under Escandon 12-21-1773
Derda Moran Documents regarding impeachment of Valero and mental illness of Gutierres de la Pena. 05-10-1721
Duran de Harcon Documents regarding impeachment of Valero and mental illness of Gutierres de la Pena. 05-10-1721
Davila Autos hechos en virtud de real cedula sobre que sede cuenta de los religiosos que hay en estas provincias de Nueva Espana y de los que se... 05-21-1747
Dias Maldonado Autos re: Escandon's visit to missions of Sierra Gorda 03-12-1744
Diaz Maldonado Autos on Escandon's visit to Pame Meco missions of Sierra Gorda as well as censuses and lists of officials and mission establishment. 04-26-1744
Diego Antonio Autos on Escandon's visit to Pame Meco missions of Sierra Gorda as well as censuses and lists of officials and mission establishment. 04-26-1744
Diaz de Zelis Letters concerning quartermaster Iglesias Cotillo's administration of payment of troops. 06-07-1757
Diaz Pintado Documents concerning regulation of military companias near Zimapan. 10-02-1764
Diaz Concerns colonization of Nuevo Santander. 08-07-1755
Diaz Maldonado Concerning Santiago y Castillo's request for increased salary. 04-24-1761
Diego Reports on construction, architecture, ornamentation, agriculture, population of missions listed in places category. 10-29-1772
Dongo Neve's will and documents concerning carrying out provisions in will. 01-29-1777
Dongo Neve's will and documents concerning carrying out provisions in will. 01-29-1777
Dongo Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Dongo Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Dongo Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Dominguez Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Dandrieu Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Dominguez de Escobosa Representacion del Martinez pidiendo se le devuelva cantidad de pesos que se le retubieron en la mision de Bacadehuachi de donde era... 06-29-1786
Dias y Hortega Ugarte y Loyolas correspondence to virrey re: selection military personnel for posts in Nueva Viscaya and Sonora, especially placement of... 09-19-1789
Diaz Expediente promovido a consulta del comandante general de provincias de Poniente sobre colocar en el mando militar de la Sonora al coronel... 02-29-1764
Dias de Hortega Expediente promovido a consulta del comandante general de provincias de Poniente sobre colocar en el mando militar de la Sonora al coronel... 02-29-1764
Dolores Series of appeals to virrey from padres at colegio Pachuca for Martinez to travel to Rome. 12-23-1786
Dorsal Documents concern series of petitions by missionaries at Zacatecas and Pachuca to return to Spain. 11-20-1789
Dolores Crespo Documents concern series of petitions by missionaries at Zacatecas and Pachuca to return to Spain. 11-20-1789
Dominguez Concern request by Rodriguez Hucha to return to Spain. 02-28-1797
Dorrego Letter from Dorrego to virrey complaining that synods received for Tamitas mission are insufficient to continue operation. 02-04-1800
Dorame Documents concerning battle against opatas in Arivichi. 11-24-1820
Daquiari Series of documents concerning peace treaty with Texas Indians. 02-08-1821
Dorame Letters from the military for Garcia Alexo informing him about campaigns in the north of the provincias, incursions of the French and... 05-22-1820
Delgado Candidates proposed by Vidal de Lorca to fill vacant post of segundo Alferez of compania Volante de Nuevo Santander. 06-01-1808
Diaz de Solorzano Diaz de Solorzano requests promotion to coronel. Service record attached. 05-15-1810
Diaz Redondo requests promotion to rank of capitan de milicias de caballeria de Mazatlan. Redondo's superiors recount his service records... 08-16-1810
Diaz de Rivera Regarding military monetary awards. 10-04-1766
Dominguez Regarding military monetary awards. 10-04-1766
Delgado Regarding military monetary awards. 10-04-1766
Dominguez Concerns monetary awards to certain military men in Santa Fe and Carrizal. 10-04-1766
Dominguez Concerns monetary awards to certain military men in Santa Fe and Carrizal. 10-04-1766
Dominguez Concerns Manuel Hernandez's and Juan Gras' requests for the status of invalid and many soldiers' monetary awards for years... 10-04-1766
