Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Pesqueira Reports from Pesqueira and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Fronteras presidio. 06-30-1817
Peralta Reports from Pesqueira and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Fronteras presidio. 06-30-1817
Perez Concerning promotion of Santa Maria to gobernador interino. 01-06-1810
Peres miras generales sobre la guerra de los patriotas Mexicanos de Texas y sus auxiliares. 07-26-1817
Perez Concerning administration of Texas troops. 04-09-1818
Pedemonte Concerning payment for service rendered to military. 02-26-1812
Peyron y Merino Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from 1819, sundry concerns. 03-22-1819
Perez Letters recommending honors for Dominguez' bravery. 01-13-1820
Perez Correspondence to Venadito from May, June 1820. 05-01-1820
Peres Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from May 1820 to February1821, mostly military concerns. 05-26-1820
Perez Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from September 1819 to March 1821, military concerns. 09-24-1819
Pedro Reports of attempts to subdue Indians in pueblos of Nayarit. 01-09-1724
Pedro Reports to Flores about military strength of each jurisdiction. 01-05-1724
Peres Reports of general fear of Indian attack, preparation for reconquest of Nayarit. 01-11-1724
Pedro Reports of activities of Indians, Spanish taking advantage of tribe turning against tribe. 03-06-1724
Peiote Transcripts of interrogation of Indian suspects in murder of Luna. 04-26-1724
Perez Concerns dealing with Indians after reconquest of Nayarit. 01-02-1724
Perea Documents, site plan concerning construction of quarters for Nuevo Santander companias Volantes. 06-03-1803
Perez Documents, site plan concerning construction of quarters for Nuevo Santander companias Volantes. 06-03-1803
Perea Diligencias practicadas en averiguacion del suisidio del senor gobernador coronel Francisco Yxart. 04-26-1804
Perea Documents, map concerning flooding of Croix, reestablishment in paso de Piedras. 09-05-1805
Perea Cuenta de las cantidades suplidas por el fondo de gratificacion de dicha compania en agasajo de indios que la han visitado de paz. 12-31-1802
Pebrete Concerning military, religious affairs of Sonora. 01-16-1771
Peres Cano Para llebar a efecto el importante plan al publico para una compania de accionistas destinado al comercio, y mineria de las provincias de... 05-17-1771
Peres de Aguilar Para llebar a efecto el importante plan al publico para una compania de accionistas destinado al comercio, y mineria de las provincias de... 05-17-1771
Pesquera Para llebar a efecto el importante plan al publico para una compania de accionistas destinado al comercio, y mineria de las provincias de... 05-17-1771
Perea Concerning transportation of gold from Cieneguilla to ciudad de Mexico. 07-23-1772
Peramas Correspondence re: expenses of expedicion de Sonora. 03-26-1773
Peres de Fagle Correspondence re: Sarmiento's mines at Rosario. 12-29-1773
Peralta Correspondence re: Sarmiento's mines at Rosario. 12-29-1773
Perez de Barea Correspondence re: Sarmiento's mines at Rosario. 12-29-1773
Peramas Correspondence re: charges brought against various Indians. 12-15-1775
Perez de la Barreda Letters from Gil de Bernabe and Cartagena to Bucareli concerning Indian Seris pacification. 11-05-1772
Peralta Seri Indians settlement near the Pitic. 12-12-1771
Peralta Seri Indians settlement near the Pitic. 12-12-1771
Peralta Seri Indians settlement near the Pitic. 12-12-1771
Peralta Seri Indians settlement near the Pitic. 12-12-1771
Peralta Copies of documents dealing with tax issues between Guadalaxara's real hacienda and province of Culiacan. 05-23-1779
Perez de la Barreda Copies of documents concerning taxation dispositions in Guadalaxara and Zacatecas. 06-22-1774
Peralta Copies of documents concerning taxation dispositions in Guadalaxara and Zacatecas. 06-22-1774
Peralta Copies of documents concerning taxation dispositions in Guadalaxara and Zacatecas. 06-22-1774
Perez Autos from Escandon for virrey concerning five Indians accused of several murders and robberies. 10-05-1764
Perea Information related to the establishment and conquest of Sierra Gorda, autos formed against Escandon. 09-22-1766
Penilla Autos formed by Escandon's son for virrey claiming several lands from his father. 03-06-1768
Penilla Letter from Escandon to virrey complaining of the procedures he was subjected to in the expropriation of his land. 06-28-1769
Percas Salamanca's correspondence re: defense of Havana and request for military assistance. 08-04-1661
Pereda Index of legajos on pacification and settlement of Nuevo Santander under Escandon 12-21-1773
Percola Index of legajos on pacification and settlement of Nuevo Santander under Escandon 12-21-1773
Perez Mesquia Index of legajos on pacification and settlement of Nuevo Santander under Escandon 12-21-1773
Penalua Index of legajos on pacification and settlement of Nuevo Santander under Escandon 12-21-1773
